Jean Bresson [personal page]

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I am a computer music researcher and software engineer: this page contains resources and links to some present and past activity and projects.

I am currently working at Ableton, as a team Product Owner on the company’s flagship software, Live.

Before that — from 2003 to 2019 — I was at IRCAM in the Music Representations team of the STMS lab (Science and Technology of Music and Sound). My main focus and expertise is in computer-assisted music composition and domain-specific (visual) programming: I was the principal developer and researcher in charge of the OpenMusic project since 2008. My principal contributions consisted in connecting the environment to digital sound processing, spatialization, and real-time interaction systems (see the projects page).

I obtained my PhD from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in 2007, and my Habilitation degree (HDR) in 2017. In 2016 I was awarded a Fulbright research scholarship carried out at CNMAT / UC Berkeley, USA. In 2018-2019 I was also part-time guest lecturer at the Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Musikinformatik of the Hochschule für Musik in Karlsruhe, Germany.



OM# is a computer assisted composition and visual programming environment derived from OpenMusic (see past projects), featuring a fully redesigned visual programming framework, as well as advanced tools for interactive computer assisted composition and digital signal processing.

The environment was initially concieved as a new implementation of OpenMusic. Key features and developments were carried out during the EFFICACe research project (2013-2017), while exploring interactive approaches in computer-assisted music composition processes: timeline-based interactive control of musical objects, dynamic scheduling architecture for musical rendering and computation, new interfaces for the temporal representation of compositional processes. The "reactive" model, previously introduced as a prototype in OpenMusic, was also integrated as a native feature.

After successive code-names (om7-beta/o7/...) the project was named OM# (om-sharp) shortly before the v1.0 release in the end of 2019.

om-sharp project page (incl. downloads, documentation, etc.)

More: → Other/past projects I've been working on...


Habilitation Thesis / Mémoire d’Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (2017):

Composition assistée par ordinateur : techniques et outils de programmation visuelle pour la création musicale / Computer-assisted composition: visual programming techniques and tools for musical creation (in French) [PDF].


In 2015, together with a few colleagues from the French Computer Music Association (AFIM), I participated in the creation of TENOR, the International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation. I was the general chair of the conference steering committee between 2018 and 2021, and still a member of this committee until 2024.
I am also part of the steering committee of AFIM, the French Computer Music Association.
Between 2017 and 2023 I was in the FARM steering committee (ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design).

I was the coordinator of the following events, research groups or seminars:

Research supervision

Funded research (Coordinator and PI):
PhD Direction and Supervision: